Die Lykische Küste - Türkei...
The whole Lycian coast abounds with massive mountain ranges and densely forested regions along the coast of southwestern
In this stunning region, craggy limestone mountains plunge into azure seas, small islands and evidence of the Greek, Lycian and Roman empires are strewn around like half buried treasures, linked together by coastal trails that used to be the trade routes of antiquity.
As the landscape is wild, so were the men who lived here.
The Lycians enjoyed a reputation for independence and fought for it tooth and nail, often to the last man.
The ancient Lycians were one of the most enigmatic people of antiquity.
Many Lycian relics remain visible today, especially their distinctive rock-cut tombs in the sides of cliffs in the region.
Around twenty major sites remain today with the Lycians' unusual architecture dominating the breathtaking unspoiled
Although little historical record has been left behind them, what has been discovered reveals the fascinating history and culture of an outstanding civilization.
Surrounded by a wild mountainous area,
This coastline is truly spectacular. Rugged cliffs of pine forests plunge into turquoise sea. Between them are small bays of sand and shingle accessible only by boat. In ancient times the Lycians, mentioned in Homer's Iliad, settled here and the ruins of their cities and majestic rock tombs can easily be seen. Wander round a deserted dusty ruin, stop for a dip and a simple lunch at a lokanta and you will discover that you can still experience the rugged pleasures of old
Schroffe Felsen und die Farben des Meeres der Lykischen Küste, die
atemberaubenden Landschaften von den Höhen der Ausläufer des nahe
gelegenen Taurus Gebirges, aber auch versteckte Wasserläufe und eine
reiche Vegetation dieser Region bilden wunderbare Motive und sind nicht
selten eine Herausforderung für den Amateur- aber auch den
Unzählige Motive Antiker Städte im Detail warten darauf von Ihnen
entdeckt und einmal in ganz anderem Licht gezeigt zu werden.
fotografisch festgehalten
Impressionen nur noch selten gesehenen
Handwerks und Architektur der Lykischen Küste und des nahen Taurus
Gebirges, verlassen und marode der Vergänglichkeit überlassen